Saturday, November 21, 2009

Got too or Get too?

John Wooden is arguably one of the greatest coaches ever. Winning 10 NCAA basketball championships in his last 12 years there and at one point winning 88 games in a row are just a few of the accomplishments of the UCLA teams he lead as their coach. I wonder during the midst of his teams amazing success if a newly recruited athlete thought, “I get too play at UCLA under Coach Wooden” or “I got too play under Coach Wooden”. With a get too mentality we see it as an opportunity to achieve great things we could never get elsewhere, even though we have to submit to someone else’s teachings and guidance. Whereas a got too mentality it is more of an obligation to do something that we often feel resentment for it because we personally may not want to do it because we don’t want to follow someone else and may not agree with them all the time. I’m thinking of a lesson from his book Wooden - "Details Create Success".

In this section he talks about how at the first practice every year he would teach his players how to put on their socks. This was to make sure that they understood paying attention to every detail was important. If you put on your socks with wrinkles you could get a blister and that would affect their performance during practice and games. I wonder if the players thought of it as a get too or got too moment. When you understand the principle and wisdom behind it, it is an amazing get too opportunity. But if your selfish pride steps in and you think it is stupid drill then it is a got too moment.

This same principle comes in our spiritual and fitness life as well. Is it get too or got too moment? Is it a get too opportunity to believe in Jesus as our savior and be open to all He has to offer from his teachings and wisdom too help us achieve our greatness in the purpose He has designed us for? Or does it feel like more of a got too moment that is trying to follow rules and obligations we really don’t want too. Is it a get too moment to get our exercise in to help keep our body healthy so that we can be the hands and feet of Christ here on earth? Or does it feel like a got too moment that is a dreadful obligation of a task that has to be completed. It can be an amazing mind shift and transformation when you see your faith and your fitness as get too opportunities compared to a got too obligation.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I am retired I get to work, and I enjoy it so much more. I've never felt like I got to go to church, but must admit at times I feel like I got to do exercise, so will have to make a mental note that I'm healthy enough that I get to exercise. Good advice!
