Exercise is probably one, if not the greatest medicine, we can give our bodies. The benefit list is almost endless and the side effects are minimal to none when done appropriately. This week we will highlight one specific benefit that some new research showing how exercise benefits bone health in pre-menopausal women.
A study that will be coming out in the October issue of Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism details some of the specific effects of how exercise improves bone health in pre-menopausal women. Bone, just like your muscles and other tissues in your body, is living tissue and constantly changing. Also just like muscles the more you exercise the stronger and healthier they become. Bone loss is a major concern with pre-menopause and menopause for women, which can lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis. Weakened bones (osteopenia and osteoporosis) can play a role in increasing your fracture risk as you age; they are not the only factor but an important one we need to be aware of. Sclerostin is a known bone growth inhibitor, by its action on a hormone IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1). Our bodies when working properly have a steady balance of hormones and proteins to assist metabolic pathways to keep our various systems in check and balance between anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the process of building up new tissue; while catabolism is the breaking down older tissue. During injuries, illnesses or other body changes such as menopause these systems might not stay as balanced and we can get an increase in catabolism.
The study showed that over an 8 week period those pre-menopausal women that performed in a supervised exercise routine of more than 2 hours per week had "significantly" lower sclerostin levels and higher IGF-1 levels. So even relatively low levels of exercise, normal exercise guidelines of 30 minutes a day 5-6 days per week, was enough to start seeing biological changes in crucial markers in just 2 months’ time to assist with normalizing hormonal controls of bone formation.
So what type of exercise do you need to do? Simple weight bearing exercises (any exercise that you move against gravity) such as walking and weight lifting. Things like swimming and bike riding; while great exercises for your cardiovascular system are not weight bearing exercises so will not help as much to build your bones.
So the research shows that exercise is an important part of long term bone health, but don’t forget some of the other things you can do for a complete program. Make sure you have a good diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D along with avoiding lifestyle choices such as smoking and excessive alcohol intake.
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