Thursday, April 19, 2012

Switch part III - Shape the path

We have our riders directed and our elephants motivated; now it is time to shape the path. 

First thing is to tweak the environment. When the situation changes, the behavior changes. So change the situation. The best way to eat more fruits and vegetables is to only have fruits and vegetables in the house to eat. If there are no potato chips in the cupboard you are less likely to eat them at night when you go looking for a snack. Use a smaller plate if portion control is a problem. After making your bed place your bible on top so you have to pick it up before going to bed at night and you’re more likely to spend some time reading it. Don’t have clothes drying on the treadmill so it is easier to get on.

Next step is build habits. Look for ways to encourage habits. Place your work out clothes out on the floor, so when you wake up you step into them and get your daily walk done before the TV goes on. Pre-make healthy lunches and diners; so when you are rushed for time you have a healthy option instead of eating fast food. Use checklists to make sure you have walked 30 minutes at least 5 times each week. While recording your 5 fruits and vegetable servings, have a spot to write down one thing your thankful for each day. Find ways to encourage those habits, workout with a spouse or friend. Post on Facebook everyday what your exercise was or something that you are grateful for. Fill your grocery cart up with fruits and vegetables first then go down the processed food isle.

Last thing is to rally the herd. Behavior is contagious. Help it spread. Get the whole family involved. Get your work unit doing an exercise challenge like Live Healthy Iowa or 10,000 steps per day challenge. Start a healthy recipe exchange with friends on Facebook. Start a small group of friends doing a bible study once a week to help develop an attitude of gratitude.

For things to change, somebody somewhere has to start acting differently. When it comes to your health that somebody is you. Direct the rider, motivate the elephant and shape the path to help you switch into the healthier you.

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