Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Stress Signs

A few weeks ago I post about some physical signs that may be due to increase stress (see here for reminder).  Here are a few more few signs that may be stress related, anyone recognizing these signs should see a doctor first to rule out serious illness or injury. The irony of stress is that the very things that will make you feel better--exercise, self-care, eating a healthy diet--are usually the last things you want to do.

Stress Sign: Weight Gain

Stress often pushes us into a vicious cycle of choosing unhealthy foods, binge diet and eating, losing energy and gaining weight. This is due to an increase production of glucocorticoid hormones as a reaction to the stress response.

What you can do: You can jump in anytime in the vicious cycle to put a stop to it. Don't skip meals, decreasing calories too significantly can increase your bodies stress response. Actually eating to little is often a cause for stalled weight loss. Undereating almost always leads to eventually overeating and weight gain. Just make sure the added calories you need come from healthy foods.

Stress Sign: Back Pain

Although the causes of back pain are usually physical, emotional stress can play a role in how severe pain is and how long it lasts.

What you can do: Strength training and cardiovascular exercises are important in keeping your back healthy. Maintaining a healthy weight will also reduce strain on your back and decrease coritsol production which increases sensitivity of your nerves.

Stress Sign: Tension Headaches

These headaches occur when your scalp and neck muscles become too tense.

What you can do: See your doctor to make sure you don't have a more serious headache-related disorder. Utilizing meditation and self-care along with a regular exercise program and healthy diet will decrease frequency and intensity of headaches.

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