Monday, February 6, 2012

Maximize yourself based on who you are, part II

Last week we talked about 3 different body types: mesomorphic, endomorphic and ectomorphic. This week we will explore ideas to maximize your exercise program based on your body type.

Mesomorphs typically have a more muscular build so they often will look the part of more fit and healthy then the others. But be careful not to let the looks deceive you into thinking you are healthy just by looks alone. Because you store fat more evenly you won’t see the “beer gut” as quickly as others might, but you can have the same elevated body fat if you are sedentary and have a high calorie diet. Strength training usually will be enjoyable for this body type, because the positive effects are notice quicker then the other body types. Often times those with this body type tend to avoid the cardiovascualar and movement exercises because they are more challenging. It is important to include these into your workout to maintain all three areas of fitness (movement, cardiovascular and strength).

Ectomorphs have the advantage that mesomorphs and endomorphs do not have when it comes to weight gain. While weight gain can be easy for the other two body types it is often difficult for the ectomorph. But don’t let the lack of fat fool you into thinking you are healthy. Ectomorphs struggle often times putting on muscle, which is an essential component for health. Ectomorphs, like mesomorphs, tend to do exercise they are good at and avoid those they are not so good at. In this way they are reverse of mesomorphs they are great at cardio and not so good at strength training. They also need to maintain all three areas of fitness and hit the weights a little harder.

Endomorphs usually don’t have all the characteristics of a classic endomorph, but a mix of features from the other body types. An endomorph has the advantage of storing fat easily. While this is helpful if you live where famine hits regularly, it is not so helpful in our mostly food plentiful society. Because you are more inclined to store fat you run the increase risk of obesity. Proper exercise (again using all three areas of fitness) and diet control are very important to maintain your health by reducing excessive body weight.

No one body type is better then the other, they all have benefits and drawbacks. The take home is the importance of understanding and accepting your body type and make sure your exercise routine maximizes your strengths and diminishes your weaknesses.

1 comment:

  1. Kory,
    I agree that it is so important that we all recognize and understand the various body types. Everyone (including many health care pros) strive to achieve the ectomorphic type but this could lead to frustration and resignation for endomorphs and mesomorphs. Body weight and fat percentages are important but they're not the only markers of health and fitness.
