Thursday, December 22, 2011

Your Brain is made for Movement

There is power in movement. While we all move everyday, we often aren’t aware of all the movement that is available to us. We get stuck into our routines and after we pass into our 30’s, 40’s or beyond we start to realize we can’t move like we did when we were younger and find ourselves sitting on the couch or in a chair at work more and moving less. I think most of us marvel at how much a toddler moves on a regular basis. They do this instinctively because their brain and nervous system is exploring and making sense of this world that we live in. This is often times referred to as novel movement. Your brain loves novel movement, it get’s its attention. This is why newer research is showing improvements in brain function in elderly with decreases in Alzheimer’s and dementia with those that exercise regularly.
Add some novelty to your existing exercise program by changing up the routine a little. Add some strength training in if you don’t already do it. Walk up hills or stairs as part of your cardio program as compared the flat treadmill. Try some different strength training exercises outside your normal routine. Make sure you move through the full movement you can and challenge yourself to move with more range of motion. Yoga, Tia Chi and Fledenkrais Awareness Through Movement are great movement based exercises that can help you explore novel movements to improve your exercise routine.
If you aren’t currently exercising start easy as you add new movements to your daily routine. Gradually you will be amazed, in a few months time, the ability to move easier and freer as you progress with a movement based exercise program.
We have to remember without a nervous system and the movement that it is in-charge of, we would be as alive as a tree.   See this great TED Talk by Daniel Wolpert about the real reason for our brains...MOVEMENT!

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