Friday, November 18, 2011

“Ask not what your health care can do for you, but what you can do for your health care.”

Yes, this is modification of the famous lines spoke by President Kennedy at his inaugural address. But medical self-care needs to become a larger part of our health care practices to reduce improper use of the health care system. None of us like the continually rising cost of health care insurance that continues to take away from our paychecks.

How prevalent is this improper use?
  • According to many national survey’s Americans are guilty of utilizing the health care system unnecessarily. Studies show that up to one-third of all Emergency Room visits and regular physician office visits are unnecessary.
What does this improper use cause?
  • It increases wait times for care in the ER or increased days to get into and see a physician.
  • Increase health care costs, which leads to increase health insurance premiums.
What can you do?
  1. Many illnesses can be managed easily and effectively without medical intervention. Unfortunately everyone can get an illness or injury at times, but your body is built with its own defense and repair system to handle many of these problems. Improve your health care knowledge on what will get better on it’s own in time and simple home treatments you can do on your own.
  2. Improve your health to decrease severity and frequency of illnesses and injuries. Through proper diet, exercise and stress reduction you can greatly decrease risk of getting an illness or injury and recover quicker if you do get one.


  1. Yes, over utilization contributes to rising healthcare cost - an anchor around all our necks. Costs aside OVER UTILIZATION is clinically HARMFUL:
    - OU is a breach of patient trust i.e., dishonest
    - OU shifts the locus of control outside the patient
    - OU saps the patients of self-reliance
    Over utilization is dis-empowering adding to much of our chronic pain population in the form of learned helplessness! I was taught AUTONOMY as the first goal of patient care. Patient centered, evidence based, cost effective, outcome focused approaches are key strategies to prevent the iatrogenic harm induced by OVER UTILIZATION! rtd,pt

  2. rtd, great points about the negative effects of over utilization.
